Today is Thursday, March 27th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1279

An exerpt from Max Lucado's book "The Gift for All People" from the chapter titled "Faith Blessed, Faith Beheld" (in part):
"And Jesus was teaching them God's message.
Four people came, carrying a paralyzed man.
Since they could not get to Jesus because of the crowd,
they dug a hole in the roof right above where he was speaking.
When they got through, they lowered the mat with the paralyzed man on it.
When Jesus saw the faith of these people,
he said to the paralyzed man,
"Young man, your sins are forgiven."
~~ Mark 2:3 - 5
"They want Jesus to give the man a new body so he can walk. Jesus gives grace so the man can live.
"Remarkable. Sometimes God is so touched by what he sees that he gives us what we need and not simply that for which we ask.
"By the way, Jesus hasn't changed since the day a stretcher was lowered into his presence on the cords of hope.
"What happened then still happens today. When we take a step of faith, God sees. The same face that beamed at the paralytic beams at the alcoholic refusing the bottle. The same eyes that danced at the friends dance at the mom and dad who will do whatever it takes to get their child to Jesus. And the same lips that spoke to the man in Capernaum speak to the man in Detroit, to the woman in Belfast, to the child in any person anywhere who dares to come into the presence of God and ask for help.
"And though we can't hear it here, the angels can hear him there. All of heaven must pause as another burst of love declares the only words that really matters:  'Your sins are forgiven.'"
