Today is Thursday, September 4th, 2003; Karen's Korner #129

Something written by Maureen Elston and shared with you today:


Every morning Vern fills an oblong tray on the railing of our back deck with bird seed, so we can have our coffee and watch out the window to see what kinds of birds come to the "table". We have seen sparrows, thrushes, black birds, doves.


We have found they are a lot like people: selfish & greedy!. There is plenty for all, but they want that tray of food for themselves alone. I've noticed the gentle, quiet doves are the worst . They even chase off their own kind. The little sparrows share with all and their babies sit in the tray with their little beeks open and mother feeds them.


I thought of us as people who at times, even when there is plenty, want to try to get it all for ourselves and this does not just pertain to food. We need to remember to share what we have and God will bless it and multiply it.
