Today is Wednesday, May 21st, 2008; Karen's Korner #1318

I received this daily devotional this a.m. from Shirley Choat which I really liked. I have altered it just a bit; it was complete with graphics. Ever have a time when your 'believer' gets stuck?
"LORD, I believe; help Thou my unbelief. Mark 9:24
   Are you dealing with doubt and unbelief? It will not do to conceal feelings of doubt that sometimes well up in our hearts. We should face our doubts squarely. Unresolved difficulties can lead to despair and denial. Doubts prayerfully dealt with can turn to stronger faith.
  Here are five steps to firmer faith:
     Remember what faith is:  Faith is to know God, not to know everything we should like to know about Him. It is trust in a person, Jesus Christ, through whose cradle and cross we know God.
   Recognize total dependence on God:  The cross of His Son demonstrates that "God is faithful". He can be counted on to provide pardon, peace and hope. His Holy Spirit enables us to "take the leap of faith" in Christ.
    Contemplate Christ daily: The record of His faithful words and saving acts will grip us tightly and bind us closer to God.
    Confess our doubts and failures:  Then commit our whole life to Christ, and accept the assurances of His grace He gives in Word and Sacrament.
Resolve to do Christ's will. Let us daily say with Paul, "LORD, what will You have me to do?" We will be so busy doing His will that we will have little time to have doubt. Praying always turns doubt toward faith and away from unbelief.
Increase our faith and clear our vision, LORD;
Help us to take You at Your simple word,
No more with cold distrust to bring You grief;
LORD, we believe; help our unbelief.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Faith is doubt saying its prayers.
** Yesterday I had typed the last word on the next to last sentence wrong; it didn't make much sense. Several readers made mention of it. If you would like to read "Don't Quit" correctly, go to and read entry #1317. Sorry!
