Today is Thursday, June 5th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1328
As readers of Karen's Korner, you already know that I really didn't want to have our daughter Jamie be sick and I didn't want our family to have to endure any additional sick people. Doesn't matter, this is what we have!
As always, it is good to have God in my (our) life (lives) to help make sense out of what I (we) think is no sense.
A help for me, once again came from the Bible study which I am currently in, written and presented by Anne Graham Lotz. As I have already confessed, it is about Revelation, a book of the Bible which tends to confuse me. Anne is helping me to understand more.
Last week's lesson was from Revelation 19 and I will paraphrase and use some snippets.
John, the writer of Revelation, was allowed by God to see into the future and what he saw was Jesus 'on a white horse' with 'eyes like blazing fire' and 'the armies of heaven following him, riding on whte horses'.
A couple of verses from my Bible commentary, telling about those few sentences: "Jesus appears this time not as a Lamb, but as a warrior on a white horse, symbolizing victory. Jesus came first as a Lamb to be a sacrifice for sin, but He will return to execute judgement. His first coming brought forgiveness; His second will bring judgement."
This spoke volumes to me! Not only don't I like what is and has happened to our family, neither does Jesus. He doesn't like what is happening to Tim and Jamie's 11-year-old niece who has been in chemotherapy for more than a year; nor does He like having Lynn in a wheelchair having to live in the care center nearly all of her adult life. He will declare victory for those who have had to endure abuse, unjust government leaders in foreign countries, and the lengthy list continues. What is on your list of unfair or unnecessary things termed 'evil'?
Continuing from the commentary: "The battle lines have now been drawn between God and evil, and the world is waiting for the King to ride onto the field."
Who are the armies in heaven, following on more white horses?
I believe it is us!!
Are we part of God's heavenly army on the victory side of the war? Or we on the side of evil?
The decision is always up to us! Victory isn't behind us! It is inside of us! It is with us! It is ahead of us!
Praise be to God!