Today is Thursday, July 10th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1354

I needed to make something for a family potluck over the fourth of July holiday. Angel food cake might be good. I had recently purchased a boxed mix. When I ripped open the package, I discovered it was a 'two step' mix; not the quicker and easier 'one step'.
Yuk! It's easier to make the one envelope, one step cake. For just a second, I thought about taking the mix back to the grocery store. But it's a seven-mile trip. Oh well, start reading the directions and get to work, I thought.
As I whipped the egg whites until they were stiff, I couldn't help but think about life in general. Sometimes we get something that we didn't have on our 'to do' list. Our job is to keep on mixing and baking!
Next, I poured in the flour packet and stirred it in as directed. Hmm, looking pretty good.
And the finished product? I think it might be better with a little more body and texture than the one I would have chosen had I read closer.
Sometimes life hands us something that we would 'just as soon return to the store' if we had our choice. Maybe we don't have the choice; can't have a 'do over'.
Give the situation to God; He can make delicious 'cake' out of something we didn't think we would like.
Father God, teach me. Guide me. Help me to be thankful when things come into my life, I would change if I could. Remind me to give everything to You. You can make something good out of things we falsely believe we won't like. Thank You for being the conductor, organizer, and creator of every life situation. In the name of Your Son Jesus who made something good out of every situation He encountered. Amen.
