Today is Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008; Karen's Korner #1392
I tend to pray, but not as much as I could or should. Lots of other things crowd that time alone with God; or with others. I don't know why I select so many other things instead.....
This is an email from Shirley Choat which she sent last fall:
"When you pray, enter into the closet, and when you have shut the door, pray to your Father, which is in secret and your Father, who sees in secret, shall reward you openly."
~~ Matthew 6:6
We can pray anywhere. Peter prayed on the housetop; Paul prayed in prison; Daniel in the lion's den; Jonah in the stomach of the fish. As we hurry to our work this morning... in the factory, routine duties in the office, behind the sales counter.... our hearts can go out to God in true devotion.
But it is well to have a little nook somewhere, a spot especially adapted to prayer. There is help in that, Isaac went out into the field to meditate, Daniel had his place where, upon return from the excitement of political life, he could kneel down and commune with God. Jesus had His mountain peaks where He could have undisturbed fellowship with God in prayer.
We are certainly encouraged to tell our heavenly Father everything that is on our hearts, even things we would not feel free to reveal to our closest friends, like our heartaches, plans, and aspirations. But we are not to do all the talking. A conversation is a two-way communication. In quiet meditation, we ought to let God speak to us in His Word. It is in these moments He will guide and direct us with new thoughts, new impulses, new creative thinking. Our Heavenly Father will reward us openly. To others, it will become evident that we have contact with a dynamic power.
Oh, help me, LORD, to take the time
To set all else aside,
That in the secret place of prayer
I may with You abide.