Today is Friday, September 12th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1399
Good soldiers are not afraid to suffer
II Timothy 2:1 - 7
Written by Paul
"Oh, Timothy, my son,
be strong with the strength Christ Jesus gives you.
For you must teach others those things
you and many others have heard me speak about.
Teach these great truths to trustworthy men who will,
in turn, pass them on to others.
Take your share of suffering as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,
just as I do,
and as Christ's soldier do not let yourself become tied up in worldly affairs,
for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army.
Follow the Lord's rules for doing his work,
just as an athlete either follows the rules or is disqualified and wins no prize.
Work hard, like a farmer who gets paid well if he raises a large crop.
Think over these three illustrations, and may the Lord help you to understand how they apply to you."
Bible commentary: If the church consistently followed this advice, it would expand geometrically as well-taught believers would teach others and commission them, in turn, to teach still others. Disciples need to be equipped to pass their faith on; our work is not done until new believers are telling others the Good News they have learned.
Soldiers, athletes, and farmers all must discipline themselves and be willing to sacrifice to achieve the results they want. Any suffering is made worthwhile by our goal of glorifying God, winning people to Christ, and one day living eternally with Him.