Today is Saturday, September 13th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1400

Another Karen's Korner milestone; one that ends in '00'! Since Monday, March 3, 2003 , the five-day-per-week korners continue. Thanks for adding to, aiding me, and continuing to read and enjoy them; thanks for the memories and your encouragement to 'keep on, keeping on'! This all part of God's blessings....


Part 2 of 'blessings':


I am so blessed...

(written by Karen's Korner readers)


..... when I'm hanging white sheets on the line and look up to see a blue sky.


.... because I have a loving, caring family.  


 ...... because we are (going to be) grandparents


.....  because I have lived to enjoy my grandchildren

and now, great grandchildren.

 I'm blessed that they will have known me as their grandmother

 and we've shared together.


... when our grandchildren get together (they live far apart)

  and really enjoy each other's company.


..... because I have (had) wonderful Christian parents 


......  for my parents listening to me practice for hours on the piano and

for Mom taking me to piano lessons every week. 


... for the enjoyment of being able to grow beautiful flowers.


.... because I feel good and have relatively good health as I age.


... because we have pets which we enjoy every day.


....  to know Karen Weld-as she brings the Word of God each day via e-mail.

Sometimes it's the only time of the day that I really stop and think

about the Lord as I should.


.... that I have Karen's Korner readers who share and care that Jesus is an

'Everyday God'!


.... because of what Jesus did on the cross for me!!


 ..... because I know I will be spending eternity with Jesus. 
I'm blessed!
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord."
~~ Psalm 150:6
