Today is Saturday, September 27th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1410
One day this week I caught portions of an OPRAH show. It featured Suzie Orman as she talked about money matters in light of our national economy. She talked with people who were making good financial decisions and those who weren't doing so well.
As I said, I only caught bits and pieces, but one couple had $95,000 in credit card debt. They mentioned credit card companies, obtaining cards too easy, how hard it was to make payments if interest rates were raised or there were late fees added.
Orman stopped their comments and said, "You are not a victim. These are most freeing words: 'I admit (we) made a mistake!'" She said while the things the couple was saying were perhaps true, it wasn't the whole problem. Until they were willing to say they were part of the problem, they couldn't learn from their contribution to it and they would be unable to make the needed changes.
So it is with the crisis in our economy! It is time for us to stop saying, "It is the fault of the Congress (past and present), President Bushes, Clinton (or those even farther back), Democrats, Republicans, Wall Street, or Main Street.
The Bible says, "Owe no one anything...." (Romans 13:8 RS).
As Americans, collectively we are in debt to everyone.
And as our Oprah friends were taught, now they (we) have to begin the process of making needed changes to correct our spending and borrowing problems collectively. Unfortunately, if it took them (and us) years to get where we are financially, it won't be fixed quickly for us either.
Who is blame for the financial problems of our economy?
We all are; I am.