Today is Monday, September 29th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1411

After a Bible study group last fall, Chris, a classmate, gave everyone a Bible which was written in chronological order, as events happened in history. The Book starts with Genesis and ends with Revelation.It is divided into segments so that the reader can read about fifteen minutes each day and read the entire book in one year.
While a person reads a portion of Genesis on January 1st, on January 4th, we are instructed to include a few verses from I Chronicles as well. From January 5th until January 17th, the book invites readers to read the book of Job. At the beginning of each new book of the Bible, it tells why that particular book is set in time where it is.
There are 39 books of the Old Testament; 27 books in the New Testament. Obviously, the Old comes before the New. So what stage of the year, does the reader switch from the one to the other? 
Yesterday, September 28! Doesn't that surprise you that the Old Testament takes that much of the year (almost nine months) and the New Testament will take only three?
Last night I called a former English teacher, Lorraine Young, on how a good novel is written and put together. She said the writer spends the beginning of the book setting the stage and forming the plot, on the way to the climax. "The climax is the high point of the story," she said. "That usually takes 3/4 of the book. Next comes the denouement, or the solution, after the climax. In that portion of the novel or story, the problems are solved rather quickly, before we get to the end of the book."
Looks like the Bible is right on target. The stage has been set in the Old Testament in the first 3/4 of the book. Now, I am on my way through the denouement and resolution in the next couple of months ahead, on my way to the end of the story in December.
Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, sets the stage for the New Testament by the writer, Malachi. "Watch now," the Lord Almighty declares, "the day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace.....But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out of pasture." (chapter 4:1,2).
The number of years between the words of Malachi and the first ones written in the New Testament? (What I read yesterday - Luke, chapter 1)?
400 years!!
God is never in a hurry!! But He always does what He tells us He is going to His time!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You that You are the great Creator, Ruler, God. Thank You that You allowed Your writers to pen the story of Your Love, Grace, and Future Kingdom. Thank You that You have set the stage for our lives and for our futures; that You gives us Hope and Help, which You have for past generations. You continue to do that for each one who follows You. In the Name of Your Son Jesus who was part of the plan from the beginning. Amen.
