Today is Thursday, October 16th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1423

Several daily thoughts from "365 Day Brighteners for a Woman's Heart":
* "Each one of us is God's special work of art.
Through us, He teaches and inspires,
delights and encourages,
informs and uplifts
all those who view our lives."
~ Joni Eareckson Tada
"When we are away from God,
He misses us far more than we miss Him."
~ Ruth Bell Graham
"Getting things accomplished
isn't nearly as important as
taking time for love."
~ Janette Oke
"I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery
depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances."
~ Martha Washington
"Our job is not to straighten each other out,
but to help each other up."
~ Neva Coyle
"There's something much more important than taking time and effort to make
our outer being as lovely as possible.
We can tighten our stomach muscles and suck it up,
pay a plastic surgeon to tuck is up,
or spend a lot of money trying to dress it up,
but unless we are growing beautiful on the inside,
our efforts to be glamorous on the outside are useless."
~ Kathy Peel
