Today is Monday, November 3rd, 2008; Karen's Korner #1436

Yesterday morning, I caught a portion of a cable message given by Dr. James Merritt.His topic was about integrity with four 'how to' bullet points.
Merritt said that when employers are asked what is the number one thing they look for in an employee, overwhelmingly they said 'integrity'. "What would our world look like if we had integrity in our work place, our  politicians, and our church leaders?" he asked.
Here are a couple of dictionary definitions of integrity:  "being complete, a wholeness, soundness, uprightness, honesty, sincerity".
1) Keeping your word;
2) Always taking the harder right; not the easier wrong;
3) Guard your principles;
4) Do the right thing.
If you do that, stand back and watch God bless you!!
Proverbs 12:3 - "Wickedness never brings real success; only the godly have that."
Real success does not comporomise personal integrity. If you are not a success by God's standards, you have not acheived true success.
Your blessings may not be immediate but they will be coming.
Ask God to help you see them, so you don't miss any of them!
Celebrate that you are a person of integrity.
