Today is Friday, November 7th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1440

Some thoughts that might make you smile today; taken from "365 Day Brightners for a Woman's Heart" (probably work for a guy too!):
"Go outside, to the fields,
enjoy nature and the sunshine,
go out and try to recapture happiness in yourself and in God.
Think of all the beauty that's still left in and around you
and be happy!"
~~ Anne Frank
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened,
vision cleared, ambition inspired,
and success achieved."
~~ Helen Keller
"So where do you go when you can't fix your life?
The only place to go is
back to the One who made you."
~~ Sheila Walsh
"Unhappiness does not necessarily
come from not having this and that.
If we have each other,
we have everything."
~~ Mother Teresa
