Today is Monday, November 24th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1451
So we took the time to go to church on Sunday! So now what??
Most churches are like families: not perfect, but at various stages on a continum of degrees of function. Some more functional/less functional than others.
A couple of sentences/Bible verses/prayer from a study which I recently completed "Preparing for Battle" by Mark Bubeck; the topic was about spiritual warfare and attacks by the Evil One, sometimes called the Devil, Satan, Enemy, or Negativity of some sort:
"Marriages are under attack. Children are under attack.And churches are under attack. Many church bodies struggle financially, fail to grow, or are filled with strife and dissension because darkness has been given a foothold ....
"Ephesians 4:26 says, 'we are all members of one body'.
"Sin not only can bring trouble into your life, your spouse, your children, but it can also bring trouble to your church and its believers"
"If one part suffers, every part suffers with it;
if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."
~~ I Corinthians 12:26
"Dear Heavenly Father, Strengthen each person in my church, and draw us together in unity, love, and the mutual caring that is Your will and plan for us. Help us to recognize those who are hurting and those who are wounded from sin. Grant to us the wisdom to come around those persons quickly to minister Your protection, healing, and restoration. Protect me from contributing any damage to my church by guarding me from allowing sin in my life. Help me not become an agent of the Enemy by yielding part of my life to him. Amen."