Today is Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008; Karen's Korner #1457

The paragraphs below are taken from "What in the World is Going On?" by Dr. David Jeremiah (pp 91,92). This is telling about the Bible versus the Koran (Qu'ran), the holy book for Muslim believers:
"The God of the Bible and the Allah of the Qu'ran are nothing alike. The differences are vast and allow no possibility of synthesis. The God of the Bible is knowable. According to the Qu'ran, Allah is so exalted that he cannot be known. The God of the Bible is a personal being with intellect, emotion, and will. Muslim theology tells us Allah is not to be understood as a person. The God of the Bible is a spirit. To Muslims, such a thought is blasphemous and demeaning to Allah. The god of the Bible is one God in three persons. The Qu'ran denies the Trinity and views it as a major heresy. The God of the Bible is a God of love. Allah does not have emotional feelings toward man. The God of the Bible is a God of grace. According to the Qu'ran, there is no savior or intercessor. Clearly the God of the Bible and Allah are not at all the same and should never be equated.with one another."
"The Bible is a masterpiece of cohesion, depth, literate quality, and consistency. God inspired more than 40 men over a period of 1,400 years to write the God-breathed words that carry His unified message from Genesis to Revelation. The Qu'ran, on the other hand, is a self-contradicting book supposedly given by the the angel Gabriel to Mohammad. Since Mohammad could neither read nor write, the sayings were translated and collected from the memoires of those who had heard him."
Another difference between the Christian faith and follwers of Mohammad? Fifty-five countries are Muslims in their belief; with more than 1 billion followers. Unlike the tolerance and diversity of beliefs in the Untied States, these countries do not tolerate other faiths; some/many torture those with other beliefs. Sometimes killing those who do not follow the teachings of the Qu'ran and the Muslim faith.
