Today is Wednesday, December 17th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1468
For the past 65 years, two ornaments have hung on either my mom and dad's Christmas tree or ours. The year my parents were married, they bought the multi-colored ornaments and placed them on their tree in 1943. They used the assorted ornaments for many, many years.
A few years ago, mom asked if we would like a ornament or two from the 'collection', as she began to downsize what had been their long-standing tradition. Jim and I took two. They are the most valued of all of the ornaments we own!
When I put them away each year, I gently wrap them in some paper towels and store them inside of a Pringle's potato chip can which doubles as a Christmas candle. My sister Amy crocheted the candle a number of years ago and stretched the yarn decoration over the chip can.
This year our tree was up for several weeks when I remembered my favorite ornaments weren't on our 2008 Christmas tree. "Where are those two ornaments?" I thought. Recalling my storage idea, I retrieve the two beauties out of their protected environment.
Made me think of God and the plan which He has for each of our lives. We are very valuable to Him, made in His image. But He never intended for us to be packed away in a storage container. He wants us out hanging on the tree of life, for all the world to see the beauty that He has given to each one of us. He wants us to share what He has given to us with others to witness and enjoy.
Are we more vulnerable out on the tree than wrapped in tissue? Yes, but like my two fragile baubbles which have been hanging around households for more than half a century, we will be protected, loved, and enjoyed by others in our world!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You that we are so wonderfully made in Your image. Thank You that You have a job for each of us to do. Help each one of us to brighten the world which You have chosen for us. Help us not to desire a protected life; one we believe to be fragile. Help us to hop off the shelf and into a more vulnerable environment to seek, serve, and save others for Your Kingdom. In the Name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.