Today is Thursday, January 8th, 2009; Karen's Korner #1484

Now and then I am asked to give a presentation for churches, ladies' groups, or guest days. Over a year ago, I was asked to be one of the speakers at a ladies' district meeting an hour or so southeast of where we live.
After I had agreed to do it, I learned Anne Grahm Lotz, Billy Graham's daughter, was coming to Des Moines for a Friday evening and Saturday speaking tour.
Now I wanted to do both. No matter, a group of us went together on Friday night. I drove to the ladies' meeting, which I had agreed to do, on Saturday morning, before going back to Des Moines to finish up the day, listening to Lotz.
When I got to the ladies' day-long retreat, I learned that the gal who asked me to be part of the morning session, was not able to be there. The people I was talking with barely knew who I was, what I would be doing, nor much about me. The listeners were attentive, but I left quickly to get to Des Moines; and they moved on to the rest of their programming.
I have given programs several dozens of times, but this is the first one where I never received a thank you or a gift. I don't charge a fee for speaking to groups but a gift of money isn't uncommon, especially when I am invited and with higher gas prices which we had several months ago.
I have an idea what happened. Several of the organizers probably thought someone else that taken care of a thank you of some sort.
But I noticed it, because it hadn't happened before.
As I recalled the incident several days ago, I thought about our lack of thankfulness to God. Do we call up God and ask Him for healing of a loved one, a new job for a friend who lost theirs, more bountiful crops or salaries; and then forget to mention how thankful we are for things that have gone the way we asked for them? Are we thankful for things we are given just because He is such a caring Godwho gives us more blessings than we can almost count or of which we can make notice?
I know I am as guilty, as the group of gals who has asked me to speak.
Psalms 92:1 - 4 says:  "It is good to say,'Thank you' to the Lord, to sing praises to the God who is above all gods. Every morning tell him, 'Thank you for your kindness,' and every evening rejoice in all his faithfulness. Sing his praises, accompanied by music from the harp, and lute and lyre. You have done so much for me, O Lord. No wonder I am glad! I sing for joy."
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for who You are and for being our loving and caring Heavenly Father. Forgive us when we forget to say 'thank You'; help us to be aware of your love and care that You have for each one of us. Thank You for today, because You are a part of it. In the Jesus' name. Amen.
