Today is Thursday, January 22nd, 2009; Karen's Korner #1494
Funny things kids say from "While Shepherds Washed Their Flocks" by Liz Curtis Higgs:
Cynthia and Greg have different disciplinary styles. He's the softie, she's the tough one. Boone, two, was not happy with his mother's no-nonsense methods and kept calling, "Daddy! Daddy!"
Cynthia said sternly, "Do not say Daddy again."
Boone took a deep breath and tried another approach, "Greg! Greg!"
At Cyndi's house, it's a family rule to ask to be excused from the dinner table before getting up. When her son was five, he asked his daddy for permission to leave the table. His father was involved in coversation and didn't hear the request.
A little impatiently, the boy asked again. His father still did not hear. A third time. Still no response.
In exasperation he looked toward heaven and said, "Jesus, may I please be excused!"
Young Neil's grandfather owned a heating and air-conditioning business, and Neil often heard him say, "Duct tape fixes everything."
When one of his toys broke, Neil headed for the workshop exclaiming, "Grampa, I need that goose tape!"
Suzanne taught her boys that when they played a game, the loser should always congratulate the winner.
Benjamin, three, was soundly beating Jonathan, six, in one round of Uno after another. Finally, Susanne prompted, "Now, Jonathan, what do you say to your brother?"
"Do-do-head," he retorted.
"Jonathan!" Suzanne gasped.
"Uh--that's Spanish for 'congratulations!'"