Today is Thursday, April 16th, 2009; Karen's Korner #1549

Some thoughts today; just oozing with love for us from God! What a deal!!
"But people are counted as righteous,
not because of their work,
but because of their faith in God
who forgives sinners."
~~ Romans 4:5 NLT

Bible Commentary:  "Some people when they learn that we are saved through faith, start to worry, 'Do I have enough faith?' they wonder, 'is my faith strong enough to save me?' These people miss the point. It is Jesus Christ who saves us, not our feelings or actions, and He is strong enough to save us no matter how weak our faith is. Jesus offers us salvation as a gift, because He loves us, not because we have earned it through our powerful faith. What, then, is the role of faith? Faith is believing and trusting in Jesus Christ, reaching out to accept His wonderful gift of salvation. Faith is effective whether it is great or small; timid or bold.......because God loves us."
