Today is Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009; Karen's Korner #1583

This is the daily devotional email from Joel and Victoria Osteen sent out today. It seemed appropriate for what I have been thinking and feeling the last few days. It seems that evil (bad things, negative thoughts, bad behaviors) has a way of destroying people's lives and I have seen and sensed it up close and personally the last bit. I don't like to see people destroyed, and I am guessing you don't either:

Take Hold of Your Freedom

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free;
therefore keep standing firm
and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery"
~ (Galatians 5:1, NAS).

"So many people today are missing out on the freedom that God has in store for them simply because they’re always running from their adversities. They’re continually running from their challenges or difficulties, content to stay right where they are. And I know that it’s sometimes difficult to stand against the enemy. It can be uncomfortable to confront our challenges in order to take hold of freedom. But I believe that it is actually more difficult to run from our challenges than it is to stand and face them.

"See, if you’ll face your challenges, then it will only be a temporary difficulty. But if you spend your whole life running from your challenges, it’s as if they never go away—like a ball and chain around your ankle, those challenges will follow you everywhere you go. But that doesn’t have to be you! Instead, stand firm on God’s promises. Declare His Word over your life. Ask God to give you wisdom and direction as you face the difficulties in your life so that you can take hold of the freedom He has prepared for you!"

Father in heaven, thank You for freedom through Christ Jesus. I choose today to stand firm on Your promises. I choose an attitude of faith and expectancy knowing that You are leading me in paths of victory all the days of my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
