Today is Wednesday, August 5th, 2009; Karen's Korner #1628

This spring I bought a hanging basket of multi-colored petunias. They were full-bloom and beautiful.
Their show continued into the summer months.
Several weeks ago they had begun to outgrow their beauty. Decline was eminent. Some of the green foliage began to turn brown around the edges.
The best thing to do to retard the process is to cut back the blooms. I gave the flowery basket a haircut.
I began to think maybe I should toss out the not-so-pretty pot of stems.
Middle of last week, I noticed a new white flower.
After being gone for a handful of days on a short-term mission trip, I walked up our sidewalk to witness a whole pot full of red, white, and blue petunias. Stems still somerwhat depleted. But you should see it! I can't believe my eyes. All kinds of blooms; a second run at a second season of flowers!
Ever feel like that in our lives? We just run out of gas. Not as much enthusiasm. Wealth or health are dimished. Age is catching up with us. The job, the family, relationships are depleted.....
Maybe what we are going through is a ' haircut in life' and God can use that 'trimming process' to burst us forth with new blooms - brown stems and all!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You that You are a God of second chances. You give us opportunities for new life, new hope, new help, and new focus. Thank You that we can bloom where we are planted, no matter where we our roots are. Thank You that You make beauty out of stems and dry leaves. Thank You for a future and a hope. Amen.
