Today is Tuesday, August 18th, 2009; Karen's Korner #1637
On Sunday, our communion meditation was given by Leon Betts. He read something taken from their hometown newspaper, the Riceville Recorder and written by Joni Erickson Tada. It is titled '3-foot fall' and tells about our trusting God in the 'big' stuff and failing to trust Him in the 'small' things, the kind we think we can handle.
The reason I liked it so well: it sort of describes me to the letter. I don't have as much trouble trusting God for the things I know I can't handle as with those I turn in to 'do it myself' projects:
Three-Foot Fall
Trust in Him, at all times, you people.
~ Psalm 62:8
A construction worker was welding on top of a water tower outside Chicago when he unhooked his safety gear to reach for some pipes. At the same time, a metal cage slipped and bumped the scaffolding he was on, sending him to the ground in a 110-foot fall where he landed on a pile of dirt. When the paramedics arrived and carried him off on a stretcher, he had one humorous request, "Don't drop me."
Sometimes we are like that construction worker in our faith; trusting God to save us from the long fall of our sins, yet fretting over the three-foot falls of every-day details. It is easy to trust God with the big things we don't fully understand, but a lot of us have a difficult time putting our trust in Almighty God for the small and personal issues we deal with on a daily basis. The Bible tells us to trust Go for everything because He knows our need even before we ask Him (Matthew 6:8).
If you haven't fully put your turst in the Lord, spend some time casting ALL your cares upon Him for He knows you intimately, loves you perfectly, and is worthy of your trust in every situation.
It is a glorious thing to know that your Father God make no mistakes in directing or permitting that which crosses the path of your life. It is our glory to trust Him no matter what.