Today is Wednesday, August 19th, 2009; Karen's Korner #1638

Merridy Hill
1926 - 2009
Today is my Aunt Merridy's funeral; she was my dad's younger sister.
Anyone  who identifies themselves as a Christian has someone or several someones who probably most impacted his/her life. Mine is two aunts - my mom's older sister Helen, now 93 and living in a care center in Clear Lake and suffering from some sort of dementia; and Merridy, 83, who died Saturday night.
Helen taught me in the middle school years in Sunday School; I don't remember much about what she tried to teach our class members. I do remember that what she was teaching was very important to her. Must be pretty important, I can remember thinking.
Merridy wasn't my teacher but tended to work with the younger kids in our church family.
It was how she lived her life that most impacted me over the years.
If you could name something which could happen to a person, chances are pretty good it happened to Merridy. Parents to four kids; she and George had Scott in their advancing years. Scott had every kind of physical deformity imaginable; he lived and loved their family members for 26 years.
When Scott was about 12, his older brother Randy, fell from a grain elevator silo about 70 feet, trying to save the life of a buddy. Randy lived; his friend did not. When Merridy and George rushed to Randy's bedside, he was not expected to live. Merridy called back to their church asking for prayers saying, "I don't know if I can take two boys both in wheelchairs." While Randy is not in a wheelchair, he has had last siding effects of the long fall.
Sometimes there were job and money challenges.
And then there were other health issues for other family members, as well as her. Merridy had to deal with cancer, heart problems, diabetes. But she 'took a licking, and kept ticking' as the old watch commercial used to tell. Less than ten years ago, she sold her home and moved to senior housing - one more thing she loved and the people with whom she lived. She spent less than three weeks in a care center and/or hospice.
All the time, she stood fast in her faith in a Big God who always comforted and took care of her.
There were relationships which were broken or strained. Merridy would ignore the role she could play, instead took a higher road whether it was justified by other players or not.
Thankfully several years ago on cue from some book I had read or some group in which I was a part, I was encouraged to write notes to both of my aunts to tell them what they had meant to me.
She may not have left this world with lots of material possessions.
I would term Merridy as one of the wealthiest people I know.
Portions of Proverbs 31:10 -31
"A good woman is hard to find,
and worth far more than diamonds...
Never spiteful, she treats (her husband) generously
all her life long....
She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast
for her family and organizing her day.....
First thing in the mornng, she dresses for work,
rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started....
She's quick to assist anyone in need,
reaches out to help the poor.....
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,
and she always says it kindly....
Her children respect and bless her,
her husband joins in with words of praise......
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
The woman to be admired and praised
is the woman who lives in the Fear (awe!) of God....."
