Today is Monday, October 12th, 2009; Karen's Korner #1671
A few short thoughts from a small book titled "Tender Thoughts", which was given to me more than a decade ago by a 'secret sister':
Love is the reason behind everything God does.
Lovely, complicated wrappings
sheath the gift of one-day-more;
Breathless, I untie the package -
never lived this day before!
~ Gloria Gaither
Faith makes all things possible.
Hope makes all things bright.
Love makes all things easy.
Whatever we have
is worth twice as much
when we share it.
There is no safer place than the Father's Hands.
Every morning is a fresh opportunity
to find God's extraordinary joy
in the most ordinary places.
Look for the heaven here on earth.
It is all around you.
How happy I am that I can walK beside you,
lean on you,
and live in the warmth of your friendship.
Thanks for allowing me to share lots of thoughts, ideas, writings with you each weekday through Karen's Korrner!!