Today is Tuesday, October 20th, 2009; Karen's Korner #1677

I have two friends who attended a prayer and prophetic conference for parts of three days last weekend.
One of the friends led the Bible study group of which I am a part last evening.
When someone attends a conference like they did, for the amount of time they attended, chances are pretty good they are going to 'hear from God'.
I don't know if I know of anyone who has heard from God with an audible voice, but many, many hear from God via a 'still, small voice' in their minds and hearts.
Here is the message which we heard last night; for us. And I am passing it along to you. Are you ready for it?
"Tell My people that I love them!"
Have you been going through a tough time and needed to hear those words? Does life sometimes seem so busy and harried that we barely have time to take a second breath? Or were you hoping of something a little more profound?
"Tell My people that I love them!"
Probably one of the first things we learned in Sunday School or from the knee of a parent or grandparent. But sometimes we need to be reminded. Or maybe we have made some poor choices with our lives as of late, or for an extended period of time:
"Tell My people that I love them!"
It's a message of hope and help. And one that we can take with us wherever we, tomorrow, and for forever! When the God of the universe loves you, loves me......we can do and be about anything.
Praise be to God!
