It is Veteran's Day in America. Good opportunity to thank someone who is, or has been, in the military!
King On The Mountain
Remember when you were a kid and played "King on the Mountain" with your siblings or schoolmates? If you were "king", you didn't have time to relax. People came after you all the time and from all directions, to attempt to knock you off that pile of dirt or mound of snow. You would use whatever means you had to keep your domain on top of that heap.
I was thinking this morning if we do that as adults, too. Not just once in awhile, but often. Do we use words to knock someone off the top of the hill, just as they are climbing to a new height? Or maybe we are nicer than that and only "think" negative things about others who we don't know, barely know, or worse........someone who should be our friend, and we think an envious or jealous thought about their success or lot in life?
Jesus isn't only "King of the Mountain"; He owns the mountain. As the King, He turns every direction to offer a hand up to those who want to share new elevated heights in his/her life. As His Chosen Children, we can enjoy being "king" at the top of the mountain, too. Now, we have a new status! Our job is to look around, bend down, and offer a hand to anyone and everyone else. So that they, too, can be "Kings (& Queens!) on the Mountain." There is plenty of room at the top for everyone.!!
Who needs your extended hand of help, hope, or congratulations today?