Luke 1:38:
"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. (NIV)
Merry CHRISTmas
Submission: a concept with which many of us struggle--submission to God, our spouses, the government, or the church. In the wild, we see submission happen every day. Cub bears or lions submit to their mamas; fawns submit to the does; calves to the cow elk. They submit or they die. But, with us humans, submission is a major issue.
Paul wrote words regarding submission that have fueled debate between men and women for ages. Submission to God's ways is called obedience and it proves our love for Him. But, many have hardened their hearts and have said "No" to God; they will not submit to Him. They are hell bent, literally, on earning salvation their own way instead of accepting God's free gift. The interesting thing: what we see in nature, submission or death, is the same between men and God. We either submit to Him, or we die.
Mary set the example when she said "Yes" to God. We remember her, perhaps more than any other woman in history, because of this one simple act of submission, this one simple act of unconditional love and obedience to God.