Today is Friday, January 1st, 2010; Karen's Korner #1730
Happy New Year! Wow, I typed the right year for the first time! It is usually about January 23 when I stop paying attention that I tend to have more trouble with the 'new year's date' when I write it down.
This is a day for NEW!
"See, I am making all things NEW!" ~ Revelation 21:5
A Bible reader/Sunday School participant doesn't have to be reading and learning long to hear the story about creation and Adam and Eve in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. They screwed up; Revelation, the last book, tells 'the end' of the story. Taken from a graphic in my Life Application LIVING BIBLE.
Genesis says: The sun is created
Revelation says: The sun is not needed
Genesis says: Satan is victorious
Revelation says: Satan is defeated
Genesis says: Sin enters the human race
Revelation says: Sin is banished
Genesis says: People run and hide from God
Revelation says: People are invited to live with God forever
Genesis says: People are cursed
Revelation says: The curse is removed
Genesis says: Tears are shed, with sorrow for sin
Revelation says: No more sin, no more tears of sorrow
Genesis says: The Garden and earth are cursed
Revelation says: God's city is glorified, the earth is made new
Genesis says: The fruit of the Tree of Life is not to be eaten
Revelation says: God's people may eat from the Tree of Life
Genesis says: Paradise is lost
Revelation says: Paradise is regained
Genesis says: People are doomed to death
Revelation says: Death is defeated, believers live forever with God