Today is Thursday, January 7th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1734

Taken from one of Max Lucado's newer books, FEARLESS:
"Let's trust our heavenly Father in the manner Peter Wirth trusted his earthly one.
"Peter was a twenty-one-year-old university student when he began to experience severe pain in his right shoulder. He called his father for advice. Most students would do the same:  call home for counsel. But few students have a better parent to call in such a situation. Peter's father, Michael, is a world-renowned orthopedic surgeon who specializes in shoulders. Peter calling Dr. Wirth with a shoulder problem is like Bill Gates's daughter calling him with a software problem.
"Michael initially attributed Peter's pain to weight lifting. But after numbness and tingling set in, the doctor grew suspicious of an extremely rare shoulder condition called deep venous thrombosis. A clot was forming in his son's shoulder, dangerously close to his heart. Michael was not only acquainted with the condtion; he had coauthored the paper on how to treat it. He sent Peter to the emergency room and told him to request an ultrasound. Turns out, Michael's long-distance diagnoses was right on target. Peter was immediately admitted to the hospital, where the clot was dissolved, and his earthly life was extended.
"Wouldn't it be great to have such a father?
"We do. He has diagnosed the pain of the world and written the book on its treatment. We can trust him. 'Everything will work out in the end. If it's not working out, it's not the end!'"
