Today is Tuesday, March 9th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1772
This is an introduction to a letter from Paul to his friend Titus who was a church leader on the island of Crete:
Paul, the slave of God and the messenger of Jesus Christ.
I have been sent to bring faith to those God has chosen
and to teach them to know God's truth--
the kind of truth that changes lives--
so that they can have eternal life,
which God promised them before the world began--
and he cannot lie.
And now in his own good time he has revealed this Good News
and permits me to tell everyone.
By command of God our Savior
I have been trusted to do this work for him."
~~ TITUS 1:1-3 (Life Application Bible)
Bible Commentary: "The foundation of our faith is trust in God's character. Because he is truth, he is the source of all truth and cannot lie. The eternal life he has promised will be ours because he keeps his promises. Build your faith on the foundation of a trustworthy God who will not lie.
"God is called 'our Savior' as is Jesus. Jesus did the work of salvation by dying for our sins and therefore is our Savior. God planned the work of salvation and forgives our sins, thus, he is our Savior as well. Both the Father and the Son are involved in saving us."
Dear Father God, thank You for Your living and dying to save us from our sins and from ourselves. Thank You for Easter. In the name of Your Son Jesus who died but came back to life, Amen.