Today is Wednesday, November 19th, 2003; Karen's Korner #178

Finishing my little book titled "LETTERS from HEAVEN: Reassuring Words of God's Love" by J. Jay

Sanders. It has 26 pages in this tiny book.......each one centered around a letter of the alphabet. The last letters for us to look at are letters X, Y, and Z.


These are personal notes to each one of us from Him.

I hope that you have enjoyed them, as I have. The common thread is that God really likes us, loves us, wants us to know Him better, and wants us to establish a closer relationship with Him. If I was God, I wouldn't spend much time with Karen........she is so inconsistent and acts out those inconsistencies, cna't be counted on to do the right thing. All that stuff doesn't matter. God is wild about me and enjoys taking care of me and lets me know how much He cares for me.



He feels the same way about you! What a deal!!


I'm your Father and I....

X (Christos – X sometimes represents Christ), anointing your life

With My Power.




You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

You have anointed my head with oil.


PSALM 23:5




anointed sheep do not fear an unanointed enemy.




I'm your Father and I.....

Yearn to have fellowship with you.




What we have seen and heard

We proclaim to you also,

So that you too may have

Fellowship with us;

And indeed our fellowship is

With the Father,

And with His Son Jesus Christ.


I JOHN 1:3




to walk with god –

‘tis not too late to join

that holy band

who soared above this sod

of transient things,

of weights, besetting sin,

and feels the mighty pulse

of life with god.




I'm your Father, and I...

Zealously look to the day that

You come home to be with Me.




If I go and prepare a place for you,

I will come again and receive you to Myself,

That where I am, there you may be also.


JOHN 14:3




"to Christians heaven is

their everlasting home.

The most marvelous thing about it is

That God has prepared it

For those who love him."

-         Matthew Henry
