Today is Friday, March 19th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1780
Are you planning to attend Easter activities and events at your church this coming Easter?
I heard on the radio several days ago that less than 1/3 of church-goers will invite some un-churched friend to their Easter festivities.
What about the ones 'who only come at Christmas and Easter'? Invite them? Do we celebrate people coming now and then? Twice a year? Or do we talk about them behind their backs??
I know I am guilty of not inviting others to our Easter or Christmas events. But not this year. I am inviting some to come. Whether they show up or not, that is God's job!
Eighty-plus-year-old Lyman Spencer, who lives in our midst, has never been shy about inviting and encouraging others in, or into, the faith.
I bumped into him at a Lenten breakfast and he handed my a business-sized card with these words:
Wherever you go, God is sending you.....
Wherever you are, God has put you there.....
He has a purpose in you being there.
Christ, who lives in you has something
he wants to do thru you where you are.
Believe this and go in his grace, love, and power.
We pray that you will be strengthened
from God's glorious power so that you may be able
to pass through any experience and endure it with joy.
I asked Lyman, "So how many of these did you have printed?''
"30,000," was his reply.
Some people think Lyman maybe a bit 'over the top'.
Be interesting to find out when we meet God in heaven some day, which ones of us are/were 'over the top'... or not.....