Today is Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010; Karen's Korner #1782

"He fills me with strengh and protects me wherever I go.
He gives me the surefootedness of a mountain goat upon the crags.
He leads me safely along the top of the cliffs.
He prepares me for battle and gives me strength to draw an iron bow!
- Psalms 18:32-34
Living Bible
Bible Commentary on these verses:  "God promises to give us strength for life-building challenges and protection from life-threatening troubles. But he doesn't promise to eliminate our troubles. If God promised no rough roads, no mountains to climb, and no battles, we would not grow. But with these life-building challenges, he sends strength to overcome. If he left us alone with life-threatening troubles, we would not survive. But God sends his protection. We need his protection to survive life's impossible threats and his strength to grow as we respond to life's challenging circumstances.
