Today is Monday, May 3rd, 2010; Karen's Korner #1811
Today is my birthday! Here is something that Jeanne Russell emailed me a number of weeks ago. It is titled "10 Commandments for Those Over 40"! (I know that you are surprised that I am more than 40....).
If you'd like the entire email with graphics and music, ask me:
10 Commandments for those over 40
1. Focus on enjoying people;
not indulging in or accumulating material things.
2. Plan to spend part of what you have saved.
Travel if you can afford it.....
3. Live in the here and now;
not in yesterday or tomorrow.
It is only today that you can handle.
Yesterday is gone; tomorrow may not happen.
4. Enjoy your grandchildren,
but don't be their full-time baby sitter.
Let your children raise their own offspring.
5. Accept physical weaknesses, sickness,
and other physical pain.
It is part of the aging process.
Enjoy whatever your health can allow.
6. Enjoy what you are and what you have
right now.
Stop working hard for what you don't have...
7.Just enjoy your life, your spouse,
your children, your grandchildren,
and your friends.
People truly love you
for who you are.
8. Forgive and accept fogiveness.
Forgive yourself and forgive others.
Enjoy peace of mind and peace of heart.
9. Befriend death.
It is a natural part of the life cycle.
Don't be afraid of it.
Death is the beginning of a new and better life.
So prepare yourself, not for death
but for that new life with the Almighty.
10. Be at peace with Your Creator.
for He is all you have when you
leave this life.