Today is Wednesday, May 5th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1813

Karen's Korner for today was written and sent to me by a good friend Chris Lousias, while she lived in Clarion. It was labeld 'possible devotional'; don't know why I didn't use it before. It is more than three years old. Funny how God's words and His Kingdom stay powerful, no matter how things around us may change:

A Promise We Can Trust In.


Psalm 9:10
"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."


I walk to work.  I leave before seven a.m. while it is still dark.  Across the street from me lives one of the local sheriffs.  Today as I left, he was also leaving.  I could only see his silhouette because his back was to the porch light.


The picture he portrayed was one of the Wild West with both arms out to the side and his hands relaxed, spread open and ready to draw his weapon on the count of three.  I realized that he was probably taught to be constantly on guard.  He doesn’t know who I am and for all he knew I could have posed a threat.  In his job, he has been predisposed to not trusting anyone.


As each of us grows in our relationship with Christ, we learn to become predisposed to trusting in Him.  Through God’s Word, we are constantly told that His promises are true and all we need to do is come to Him. 


When I first came to Christ, I was leery.  Throughout my life, I had constantly been humiliated, demeaned and disappointed by the people who were supposed to encourage me.  It is easy to see how my trust in people became guarded and distant.  Naturally, this distrust doesn’t dissolve easily. 


I have come to know that once you accept Christ as your Savior, the Holy Spirit that dwells in you, melts the ice and dismantles the concrete wall of your heart.  The closer you come in your relationship with God, the more He wraps His love around you.  When you cry out to God, He is there for you.  I have experienced this time and again.  Because I believe in His Word and because He has never left me in my time of need, I have now become accustomed to going to Him and finding the relief He has promised.  I have been taught and trained to trust again.  He has promised me eternal life and He has not given me any reason to doubt that.


2 Peter 3:13
"But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness."


"God,You are the LORD of righteousness and Your Word is true.  I pray that all those who come to You will experience the joy of Your love and comfort.  I pray that those who are hurting and have been deceived by the evils of this world find the peace You offer through Your Son.  Father, Comforter, and Protector we praise You and honor You for all You have done for us.  In You Son’s name we pray, Amen."
(Tomorrow is National Day of Prayer. If you are in the Clarion area, join the Prayer Breakfast at the Clarion Public Library at 7 a.m. If that doesn't fit your schedule, find one that might by checking the web site . There are nearly 50 spots listed in Iowa alone! Clarion's was submitted but is not included.....)
