Today is Monday, May 10th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1816

A couple more reflections on Mothers' Day as we move away from yesterday.
From the front of Sunday's church bulletin:
"Being a mother is a gift
too great to comprehend.

Having a mother is a blessing
too beautiful for words."
"Every good gift
and every perfect gift is from above,
and comes down from the Father."
~ James 1:17
Highlights shared by readers of Karen's Korner (ranging in age from 40s - 80s) from my Friday sharing about my mother, they wrote about their moms:
** From Donna Dunlap: She remembers her mom 'going with the flow'. "It couldn't have been easy; raising the family during those 'depression years'.......paying the doctor with a chcken or other foods.........I also will always remember that she NEVER had one bad word to say about our Dad."
** From Alice Espe: "My mother ironed shirts for junior college boys and for my Dad and three brothers who had to wear white starched shirts for meat cutting and for restaurant work.......I feel her love every time I iron."
** From Mary Ann Howe:  "My mother was a very quiet person who did not say bad things about people; if she did she said it in a way that didn't sound at all negative......She worked hard on the farm being a farmer's wife and mother. It wasn't until I was an adult that I appreciated her beautiful qualities of who she was."
** From Lois Lesher:  Lois penned some words in 1980 for a Women's Federated State Contest, about mothers and Mother's Day, (in part):  "She was a loving and patient person, never forcing me along life's path, but gently urging, she guided me through a maze of experiences, helping me to choose the right over the wrong. She gave unselfishly.....her aim was to serve others....."
** From Deb Lange: "I can't begin to list all of things for which I love and am thankful about me mom." Deb said one that comes to mind is her mom wanting a horse as a little girl: that dream came true for mom when Deb was under school age. They bought "Lassie" from a neighbor and since they didn't own a trailer or have any way to haul animals, "they had to ride the horse home." And the love of horses continues for the whole family....more than 40 years for Deb!
** From Judy Rumley:  "I miss and think about my mother every day." Judy never knew her father as he died before she was born. She also lost her only sibling, John, thirteen years ago. "I say to those who still have their parents to be good and forgiving of them every day," she wrote.
** From Pat Holtapp;  Pat wrote that her father died during World War II and that her mother had been 'head of the household' for three years prior to that, as he was gone in service to our country. "She was 4' 10" tall, and always wore high heels. She farmed 120 heels. She walked beans, gardened, and walked to the top of bleachers for our son's football heels. And she always wore a dress! She believed strongly that women did not wear slacks!.....Mom taught us to be faithful to family and friends, work hard, and be honest. To be proud of our heritage, our country, of Iowa, and our Kinsey farm land. She taught us to seek knowledge.....surrounded by books....reading to each/all of us every night for much of my at home years..."
** From Jerry Temeyer:  His mother was #4 of 12; having ten children of her own. "She loved the outdoors, working with livestock, and had to go to work outside of the home after she completed eighth grade..... She always seemed to be doing things for the family:  a big garden, sewing and mending; getting us ready for church; leading the rosary during lent. And oh, she loved to fish. She, along with Kathy (deceased wife), are great inspirations to 'Love one another'."
