Jesus wept. So the Jews were saying,
"See how He loved him!"
~ John 11:35-36
Everybody knows this, the shortest verse in the Bible. “Jesus Wept”. Short but powerful. We know the story is about his friend who died, but Jesus knew he was going to raise him from the dead, so why cry? Let me give you three possibilities to think on through your day. If you want to tell me which (or even add a possibility) please do so.
He cried because:
1) The anguish he caused Mary and Martha by not coming prior to Lazarus’ death and healing him. A friend doesn’t wait 4 days when he is called for help.
2) Because he knew Lazarus was in paradise and didn’t want to call him back to earth.
3) Because he knew the Jews would plot to kill Lazarus from then on and his life would be really difficult.
4) Because he was in the shadow of the cross at Lazarus’ home. He was less than two miles from Golgotha and the
At the very least he cried because he loves us so much that he feels our pain as strongly as we feel it.