Today is Thursday, May 13th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1819
This is a writing by Rick Renner, from his book "Sparkling Gems from the Greek"; each day has a writing and then defining one word from the Greek. This is in part and doesn't include the defining word; it is a great thought:
Rejuvenated by the Spirit of God!
"Recently I was thinking of the pressures and stresses that affect so many people's lives. Peope live their lives in their cars as they spend endless hours on expressways each day. They take their kids back and forth to school and to sport events; they go to church functions, to the grocery store, and back and forth to work. This constant movement puts a lot of stress on the mind and the body. Yet there seems to be no option but to constantly try to keep up with the hectic pace!
"Then you finally get home in the evening, you can't really rest. After all, the bills must be paid, the house must be maintained; the yard needs mowing; dishes need washing; dinner needs to be cooked; groceries have to be put away; the children need special attention and discipline. Walking through the door of the house at the end of the work day does not mean your work is finished. You have switched to a different kind of work.
"Then there are still church responsibilities. You want to be faithful to your church and serve in as many areas as possible. Church is important and should be treated as such. But often you have expended so much energy on all the other important matters of life that when you finally get around to church, you feel exhausted and unmotivated. This makes you feel guilty and even condemned for not being more excited about serving the Lord in a practical way at church. But it isn't really a question of desire; it's a question of energy. Already your body and mind have almost been pushed to the brink!
"Then there are family responsibilities......"
"How about your friendship responsibilities....."
"Don't forget your financial challenges and pressures......"
"One of Satan's greatest weapons is discouragement, and he knows exactly when to use it. He waits until you are tired, weak, and susceptible to his lies. Then he hits you hard in your emoitions, trying to tell you that you are accomplishing nothing valuable in life......"
"Lord, I admit that I need a fresh surge of supernatural power in my life right now. I ask You to release the resurrection power of Jesus Christ that resides in my spirit. Let it flow up into my body and mind so I can be rejuvenated and recharged with enough power to fulfill all the responsibilitiess and duties that lie before me. I know that in my own strength, I can't do everything that is required to me in the days ahead. But I also know that with Your supernatural power working in me, I will be able to do everything You have asked me to do! I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen."
"I confess that God's Spirit is quickening my mortal flesh and rejuvenating me with enough strength to fulfill all the duties and responsibilities that lie ahead of me. I am not weak. I am not tired. I am refreshed. I am strengthened. I am filled with power. Because the Holy Spirit dwells in my there is not a single moment when I don't have everything that I need! I declare this by faith in Jesus' name!"