Today is Monday, May 24th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1826
For my birthday a year ago, a couple of friends bought me a book by Rick Renner titled "Sparkling Gems from the Greek". It is a 'every day of the year study book' looking at words, using their Greek origins. It is more than 1,000 pages.
I have to admit, I didn't begin reading it right away. I don't pick up that size book very often! When I started reading it, I am enjoying the 'every day' thought: two or three pages a day, I can handle.
Today's thought (in part) sort of reconfirmed my last Monday's thought about 'helping people some, but not doing it all for them':
It's Time for You To Become Responsible!
"For every man shall bear his own burden."
~ Galatians 6:5
"When Denise and I were first married and were just getting started in the ministry, our heart was to help people who were in need. Word of our efforts to help people soon spread throughout our city, and it seemed like there was always a long line of people approaching us to request help for all kinds of needs. Some of the needs were serious and legitimate, but soon we recognized that some people just wanted to take advantage of our good will.
"That latter category included those who didn't want to get a job. These people had myriads of excuses for why they couldn't go to work, and they came up with fantastic reasons to explain why everyone else should be paying their bills. At first, Denise and I didn't realize that we were the newest gullible victims they had discovered to help them freeload. But after a while we looked at each other and said, 'Wait a minute! These people aren't serious. They're just looking for someonese to pay their bills so they can get a free ride in life!'
Renner went on to compare Galatians 6, verse 2 against verse 5 in the Greek language, as to when help should be given and when it should not. Then he continued:
"You see, there is a certain amount of responsiibility we are required to carry by ourselves. For instance, no one can do our work for us, and not one can make our decisions for us. Our bills are our responsibility to pay; our children are ours to raise; our dog is ours to feed; our yard is ours to mow; and our kitchen is ours to clean.
"If you haven't discovered it yet, let me inform you that there are many freeloaders in the Body of Christ who would love to shirk these responsibilities and find someone else to do everything for them....if you know someone who shirks responsibilities, it's time for you to start helping that person accept responsibility for his/her own life. If you know someone who is freeloading on the goodwill of others, God may want to use you to tell him/her to stop it!'
"People like that need to grow up and act like adults! So make sure that you don't empower and prolong their irresponsible exitstence by giving them everything they ask for. Saying no may be hard for you to do, but doing it a couple of times will help them realize they have lost their free ride, awaken them to reality, and thus put them on the right track!
"It is very important that you think soberly about these things. Your actions are so important because your response will either help or hurt people. If they have sincere needs that they cannot overcome alone, you need to pray about what God wants you to do to help them. But if your analysis of the situation reveals that they are needy because they won't do what is necessary to fix the problem, it maybe God's will that you tell them no....."
"Lord, what I have read today is very hard for me personally. I know some people who need to grow up and start taking on more responsibilities of life. I must admit that I've gone to their rescue too many times and that I've probably enabled them to continue their wrong behavior and inappropriate lifestyle. Saying no is so hard for me to do, but I am asking You to help me stop empowering them to keep living irresponsibly as they have been doing. Holy Spirit, please give me Your mind and Your power, and help me to do what is right on this issue. I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen."
"I confess that I have the mind of Christ to help me know when I am to help and when I am to say no. The Holy Spirit speaks to my heart and shows me what to do in every situation. God's Spirit advises me about what I should do. I am obedient to Him and am NOT led by my emotions. I declare this by faith in Jesus' Name.