Today is Wednesday, July 21st, 2010; Karen's Korner #1868

A short daily devotional email to us earlier this week by Shirley Choat; each one is accompanied by this Bible verse graphic" 
" My faith does not rest on the wisdom of men,
But in the Power of God."
~ I Corinthians 2:5
Prayer is the most dynamic force available to any human being. Those who have learned to pray have learned to receive things from God, to live in the super-natural, and to be used by God to bless others. Those who have not learned to pray are still living on the natural level and are finding it impossible to accomplish the goals of life that Scripture sets forth.
Don't think that you are finished,
Just trust God's love and care;
Delays are not denials;
Persist in faith and prayer.
Failure to pray is the line of least persistence.
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for Your Love, Your Care, Your Concern, Your Saving Grace. Forgive us, help us, lead us, guide us. We come to you with our hurts, our needs, our worries, our love. Be with us today as we work, play, interact with others. Help us to acknowledge You, knowing that You know better than we do in every situation. In Jesus' Name. Amen...
