Today is Wednesday, September 1st, 2010; Karen's Korner #1898
So what does it mean to have a couple of marigolds poking their heads through our white rock area in front of our house, not where they belong, and in spite of black plastic and a couple of rournds of RoundUp this season? What kind of analogy could it be? (To re-read yesterday's Karen's Korner, go to .
From Karen's Korner readers:
Lorna Keeling - "Once again God reveals His Glory!"
Shirley Southard - "They say if something grows where it isn't planted it is a weed. I have a different theory. God gives us all things beautiful. He just has them grow in different areas. I have a whole slug of volunteer petunias. I didn't plant them this year but they volunteered from last year." She said that 'Mother Nature (God?) is pretty strong.
Deb Lange - "I think it speaks to trying to control people and the 'traditional' views of Christianity. The right clothes, right church, right committees, etc. 'Free Spirit' Christians can be just as healthy, happy, devoted, and dedicated as the "pre-planned pew goers'."
Mariel Betts - "Maybe it takes adversity to make us work a little harder. Maybe we get slack and have to have a nudge to get back where God wants us."
Val Neubauer - "The first thing that comes to my mind is that God loves to surprise us. Your little 'discovery' might be quite intentional on the part of our Father."
Both Val and Marilyn Jackson said, "Bloom where you are planted."
Donna Dunlap - "With God, all things are possible."
JoAnne Schleck - " ... 'growing in spite of the weeds' or among the bad (weeds), there is always good that prevails."
Maureen Elston - "If it is a weed - God can make it grow into a beautiful flower. If someone will nourish it with love (water), it will thrive; that's where God can use us - always!!"
Jerry Temeyer - "Like your plant, there are many opportunities to make judgements (is it good or bad?). Many are opportunties to serve as Jesus taught us. Did I have one this morning? Could I have nutured my situation (plant) and experienced additional growth (reaching out to someone else)?"
Florine Swanson - "Isn't it amazing how flowers come up in unusual places. Last year I planted all kinds of pansies at my front door. This spring two of the most beautiful pansy plants came up in the new rock bed that we established last year, about a yard from the original bed.....I love these little surprises as they produce beauty or bounty that I could never have expected. Gardening is always one of God's miracles, just as is farming."
Thank You, God, for planting, for growing, for blooming, for showing us Your Kingdom......both in the flowers, in other people, and in ourselves. You make everything beautiful; every day; and in every way. Bless every opportunities to 'bloom' today. Amen.