Today is Wednesday, September 8th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1903
Sometimes I underline something in my Bible; then I might date it and make a comment.
Here is one verse which I marked and underlined in 1982. The comment, "harder farm economic times". If you recall, interest rates topped 20%. Farmland values dropped to at least one-third of the previous market prices. It was a difficult time; more for some than others.
But we all survived!
Fast forward to today, 28 years later. Financial changes and challenges are once again swirling. And there are other life challenges outside of money, which gives us cause for pause:
"Enjoy prosperity whenever you can,
and when hard times strike,
realize that God gives one as well as the other --
so that everyone will realize that nothing
is certain in this life."
~ Ecclesiastes 7:14
Bible Commentary on this verse:
"God allows both adversity and prosperity to come to all.
He blends them in our lives in such a way that we can't predict the future
or count on human wisdom and power.
In prosperous times, we love to give ourselves the credit.
Then in adversity, we tend to blame God
without thanking him for the good that comes out of it.
When life appears certain and controllable,
don't let pride make you too comfortable
or God may allow adversity to drive you back to him.
When life seems uncertain and uncontrollable,
don't despair -
God is in control
and will bring good results out of tough times.