Today is Thursday, September 9th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1904

Another verse from Ecclesiastes, this one is chapter 11, verse 4:
"If you wait for perfect conditions,
you will never get anything done."
I remember more than once trying to decide when to have a multi-week Bible study (or some other activity). Summer wouldn't work because people are too busy and not that interested in organized events. Fall isn't a good time because everyone is busy with harvest. Then it is too close to the holidays. Winter isn't good because the weather could work against us. Spring isn't a good time because we are so busy with field work and gardening.
So eventually we would just pick a time and a date; let people know and those who could come would attend.
Bible Commentary on this verse:
"Waiting for perfect conditions will mean inactivity.
The practical insight is especially applicable to our spiritual life.
If we wait for the perfect time and place for personal Bible reading,
we will never begin.
If we wait for a perfect church,
we will never join.
If we wait for the perfect ministry,
we will never serve.
Take steps now to grow spiritually.
Don't wait for conditions that will never exist.
