Today is Tuesday, September 14th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1907
For part of this week, Jacob and Jaynie Michael, long-term missionaries from Mozambique, Africa, are in our midst. Jacob gave the messsage at church on Sunday. His topic was 'five BE's' for us as Christian people.
Point #1: "BE available".
Among other topics when my oldest sister, Jan, called yesterday, she told about six baptisms at their church Sunday. She and her husband attend the same church as my mom. It is congregation which might have one hundred people plus on Sunday morning.
My mom, who will be 92 in November, and her friend, who is heading toward 95 years old, befriended a young neighbor a handful of years ago. The young girl spent parts of nearly every day at Gertrude's apartment. It seems her family situation could have been a better one.
After a number of weeks, Gertrude asked her if she would like to go to Sunday School and church with her.
Her young friend excitedly said, "Yes."
Gertrude would see that the girl would get to their church's weekly services. If for some reason, she wasn't available with wheels, my mom would fill in.
Now sixteen, the maturing young adult decided, along with a handful of others from their senior high youth fellowship to accept Jesus into their hearts and lives, and be baptized together on Sunday.
Would it have happened without the 'availability' of two aging senior citizens? Probably not.
In God's economy, we are never too old to do 'His will'.
And as Jacob said in his sermon remarks, "Be available....begin today!"
Father God, thank You for new life in You. Thank You for Your Love and Your Care. Thank You that You have a job for each one of us to do, no matter how old or young we are. No matter if it is little more than being a friend to someone or giving someone a ride who needs one. Thank You for what You are going to do through me today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.