Today is Friday, September 17th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1910

"O God, you have declared me perfect in your eyes;
you have always cared for me
in my distress;
now hear me as I call again.
Have mercy on me.
Hear my prayer."
-- Psalm 4:1
Who among us doesn't have something for which we have distress today? If all we have is a song in our heart and nothing for which we feel 'distress', chances are pretty good we have a family member, friend, or neighbor who is dealing with some 'stressful' issue. God invites us to pray. We can come to Him, because we are 'perfect in His eyes'. And we recall that He has 'cared for us in our past distresses'.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we can call you Father. Thank You that You have cared for us in the past and we can count on You caring for us today and into the future.  We come to You with our individual 'distresses'; help us, lead us, guide us, but most of all help us to trust You and believe You hear us and will help us. Have mercy on each one of us. Help us to walk in victory today, because we have You in our lives.
Because of Jesus, we know we can count on You. Amen.
