Today is Monday, October 18th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1926

Gasing up the car one day last week as I was getting ready  to help another person, a fleeting thought passed through my mind, "Why is it my turn again to help someone else?"
Some times people appreciate what you do for them; other times maybe not.
And then I remembered, "I might have more time, talent, and/or resources than someone else. Maybe this other person. And that might be why it is 'my turn again."
And maybe that is why I was given some of those resources in the first place.
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You that You don't keep score on how many times you have helped me and continue to help me. You never think 'why is it my turn again?' You just reach out from your vast reservoir and give and give and give. Thank You for being so generous; and the greatest:  You gave up Your Son as a redeeming gift for each one of us. You knew we might just fritter away such a wonderful gift. You gave anyway. Help me to be even a small fraction of that kind of gift-giver; and to cheerfully give in abundance. In Your Son's Name. Amen.
