Today is Friday, October 22nd, 2010; Karen's Korner #1930
"Dear brothers,
what's the use of saying that you have faith
and are Christians,
if you aren't proving it by helping others?
Will that kind of faith save anyone?
If you have a friend who is in need of food and clothing,
and you say to him,
'Well, good-bye and God bless you;
stay warm and eat hearty,'
and then don't give him clothes or good,
what good does that do?"
~ James 2:14-16 (LB)
If you read newspapers and periodicals, chances are pretty good that you have heard of Make a Difference Day. It is held the fourth Saturday of each October. It is an opportunity to 'make a difference' in your community and the lives of the people who live in your world.
Clarion's Marys and Marthas (M & Ms, for short) has organized some events and activities in our community for the past nine years, including this one. This year our efforts are billed as "GOOD NEIGHBOR DAYS". We are working on projects on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday - October 22, 23, 24.
Some of us in our community will be doing 'nice' things for others (phone calls, stopping by a shut in, taking someone out for lunch, etc.) . Some things we will do together (food pantry drive, baby items collected, items for our local humane society, working together at our local park).
Whatever is done, we will keep track and send it to the National office for their recording of number of volunteers and what was accomplished (number of hours worked, number of items collected, etc.).
Want to do something for Make a Difference Day? Write it down and email it to me and I will compile the list.
As you can see, it doesn't have to be hard, heavy, or expensive. No one can complain that they are too young or too old to do something to 'make a difference' and to 'be a good neighbor'.
Not only will that kindness be rewarding to you, it will be rewarding to the person who receives the blessing fom you........and God can be glorified as we seek to do what it is He would have us to do!