Today is Monday, October 25th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1931

As those who read Karen's Korners regularly, you know that Jim and I traveled to Europe for an eight-day river boat cruise on the Danube and that Jim lost his billfold the first day we were in Passau, Germany.
We did the things we were supposed to do:  told the captain of the cruise boat, he called the Passau police should anyone turn in a missing billfold, and we cancelled our credit cards.
I remember telling Jim that I was going to pray 'that his billfold would be returned with his missing money, or that it would be returned with all of his important items in it but no money. If that wasn't God's will, that whoever was the recipient of the missing dollars would need them more than we did.'
When picking letters out of our mail box on Thursday afternoon last week, there was a large gold envelope from the U.S. Consulate with a letter in German from the Passau police, another letter from the U.S. government stating of a 'found wallet' plus a lising of its contents, and Jim's billfold.........with all of his missing money being returned.
I couldn't believe it. I had to call Jim and tell him our good news!
After tucking our new knowledge into my thought processes, I began to realize that sometimes I am too cynical about the 'world' and people in. Maybe without knowing, I (we) get trapped into believing too much of our news.
Is there bad news out there? Yes, all of the time.
Are there bad people the world over? Sure, we can't believe what some people can do to themselves and to others.
But Jim's missing billfold being returned a half-a-world away - complete with its contents, made me remember that 5, maybe 10% of the people of our world are 'bad' people.
The other 90 - 95% are wonderful, law-abiding citizens with a moral code of care and compassion. And the Welds are the recipients of that belief.
Dear God in Heaven, thank You that You protect us, just like You protected Jim's wallet. Thank You that there are people around the world and in every country who care for others, more than they care for themselves; and that they do the 'right thing'. Bless the person who returned Jim's billfold and its contents; a person who we will probably never know by name. And thank You for people everywhere and who are reading Karen's Korner today, that they may be as blessed as we are, in so many ways. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
