Today is Thursday, June 9th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2084
Any of us with flower and/or vegetable gardens know how hard it has been to keep our plants alive and growing in all of our heat and wind. Now it is also getting a little bit dry.
My remedy: water the fledging plants a time or two a day.
Most of mine seem to be doing pretty well.
Several of them began to look a little wilted, even with the watering. When that has happened, I can't get them enough water. By the time, I see the wilting, it seems there is nothing I can do to reverse the trend.
As I was trying to rescue one yesterday, I thought, "I wonder if this is like me. If the winds begin to blow and the temperatures rise, if I don't have a good 'root system', maybe the sprinkling of artificial water won't be able to keep me alive and growing."
No matter how hard I try to rescue my plants, nothing can match God's watering with rains and his control of the thermometer and the directions the wind blows.
Father in Heaven, thank You that You are in control and I am not. I ask You that I might have a good root system: one that can withstand the changing weather around me. I don't want to wilt; I want to grow. I ask the same thing for my friends and my family. In the Name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.