Today is Monday, October 24th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2181
Our church study continues as we take an overall look of the Bible, in our book "The Study". This week's portion is about Joseph as depicted in Genesis chapters 37 - 46. How he went from being a slave to becoming a deputy pharaoh. How he went from the favorite son of twelve brothers; to slave; to prisoner; to second in command in Egypt.
His life story is a parallel of the life of Jesus (taken from notes from "The Study"):
"Short story of Joseph's life: He was the favored son of his father. His father sent him to his brothers who rejected him. He was taken to Egypt to avoid being killed. He was sold for the price of a slave and then was falsely accused. He was condemned between two prisoners. His suffering eventually led him to a place of prominence and honor, and his brothers bowed their knees to him at last. In the end, he had suffered much but knew that all he'd endured was to save the lives of those he loved.
"Story of Jesus' life: He was the favored son of his father. His father sent him to his brothers who rejected him. He was taken to Egypt to avoid being killed. He was sold for the price of a slave and then was falsely accused. He was condemned between two prisoners. His suffering eventually led him to a place of prominence and honor, and his brothers bowed their knees to him at last. In the end, he had suffered much but knew that all he'd endured was to save the lives of those he loved.
"Both are a story of grace, forgiveness, and redemption; it is unmistakable. It's almost like God can barely stand to keep the secret: His ways are indeed mysterious and unfathomable but it's hard to miss the desire of God as our Father to let us in on what He's been up to. Joseph's life nearly gives the whole thing away. Joseph said, 'It was to save lives that God sent me. God sent me to preserve for you a remnant on earth and save your lives by a great deliverance. It was not you who sent me here, but God. You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.'"